Humans of The World International Foundation India supports Sustainable Development Goals

India and SDG's

The Government of India is strongly committed to Agenda 2030, including the Sustainable Development Goals.
The Prime Minister in his statement at the Sustainable Development Summit in New York on 25 September 2015 strongly affirmed India’s commitment to Agenda 2030 and the SDGs. He drew attention to the fact that we live in “an age of unprecedented prosperity, but also unspeakable deprivation around the world” and pointed out that “much of India’s development agenda is mirrored in the Sustainable Development Goals”.
Further, he has reiterated the importance of the SDGs at global level, such as G-20 meetings.
The Parliament of India has taken exemplary initiatives to propel the SDG agenda forward. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha, the Lower House of The Parliament of India, has organized briefing sessions on the SDGs for Members of Parliament , including bringing together legislators from South Asia and other BRICS nations to collectively work towards the realization of these goals.
India has provided strong endorsement to the SDGs, giving a considerable fillip to the Agenda 2030 It is widely agreed that India will play a leading role in determining the relative success or failure of the SDGs, as it is the second most populous country in the world. India is already taking significant strides towards the attainment of SDGs. India’s National Development Agenda outlines the measures the Government is taking on issues like poverty, sustainable growth, health, nutrition, gender equality and quality education, among several others.