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Under HOWIF’s School Health Program Initiative, a general assessment of the health status of the children studying at the Primary School Kodi Bengre,Karnataka, India had been be carried out for the early detection of health deficiencies and any pre-existing ailments detrimental to the holistic development both as a child and a student.
A health checkup camp and awareness talk was organized by Humans of the World International Foundation, the Netherlands in collaboration with Kasturba Hospital( Manipal, India), Dr.T.M.A.Pai Hospital(Udupi, India), Baliga Memorial Trust Hospital( Udupi, India), Manipal College of Dental Sciences(Manipal, India), Rashtriya Life Saving Society(Mangalore,India) and other local partner's at the Kodi Bengre Primary School on the 8th February 2016.

Our first heath checkup camp at Kodi Bengre Primary School aimed at screening, assessment of the children in order to provide comprehensive health services, curative, preventive, promotive and referrals. The health information will be collected and the data to be utilized for further monitoring of the health status of the children. The health records are accessed by physicians for assessments and referrals to higher centers for diagnosis and treatment. Humans of the World International Foundation will track the holistic health experience of the child.

We at Humans of the World International Foundation believe that prevention is better than cure. The free screening includeded physical parameters, height and weight measurements for BMI and developmental milestones to monitor their growth, eye checkup, and a check for pre-existing health problems such as worm infestation, vitamin deficiency, malnutrition parameters, fever, cough and cold, head-ache, ENT related problems etc. A dental screening had been conducted with dentist's and staff of the Department of Pedodontics, MCODS Manipal. Investigations such as blood tests are to be done in association with local partners and further to be followed up at higher centers. Medicines have been dispensed as per the need and condition of the child on advice of the consulting physician.

An awareness talk to emphasize on the importance of cleanliness and good hygiene and dental practices for the children and their families.

A health kit has been provided contains a tooth brush, tooth paste and soap.

As part of HOWIF’s commitment to healthcare we have distributed hand wash soap and demonstrated the efficient hand wash techniques to the students and staff of Kodi Bengre Primary School. An education kit has been provided earlier by HOWIF to the children and staff having pencils, erasers, sharpeners, chalks, dusters and geography maps.

HOWIF hopes that these children disperse their knowledge and awareness back to their home’s and create a change.